Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Healthy what, now?

Yea, I’m a writing slacker. I’ve been busy! Things going on, classes, kids, you know. I should be doing my biology right now, but I’m stealing a moment to write something here.
My little sister graduated from college on Sunday! She’s 20 years old and a college graduate. I am soooo proud of her.
Isn’t she adorable? ^_^
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Rachael, mom & dad. & me & my beautiful little sister

So I’ve been eating way healthier the past few months. Lots more veggies and unprocessed foods, lots less processed foods and junk. I’ve also cut myself down to two Mountain Dews a day. That is a big accomplishment, considering that was all I drank three months ago. I’ve realized several things on my ‘eating healthy’ trip. I like raw veggies. They’re good!

I like knowing what’s in my food, since I’m fixing it myself now. I feel better. I HAVE MORE ENERGY! And it’s natural energy, not caffeine-driven energy. That is awesome. I’m also saving a ton of money because I don’t eat out very often now. I haven’t given up fast food completely, but I eat out way less now. I don’t grab a “box” side dish very often now, either (like instant potatoes or boxed rice). I’ve cut back on carbs, though I’m not giving them up completely. I love my rice and my pasta. Still, eating better and so far, the effects have been positive. It takes a bit longer to cook, but it’s worth it. Added bonus is that I’m losing weight by cutting out junk, processed foods and caffeine.  Now I need to get my kiddos to start eating more veggies. I’m still learning/hunting down good recipes, so maybe I’ll come across something they’ll love.

I need to add daily exercise to the eating better thing, now. I’ve been trying to walk on my elliptical a few times a week, but my wretched back starts killing me after about 15 minutes. (Stupid ruptured disks). I’ll get there, though!

All this talk about eating has made me realize that I haven’t yet, today, and I’m hungry. :-p