Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Robot Wanted

I’m exhausted. The end!

No, I’m kidding. Well, not about the exhausted part. That would be a boring thing to kid about. My sense of humour is wayyy better than that (or so I like to tell myself).

I went to do an assessment/training for a new job today. I think I did fairly well, I’ll find out in a few days. It’s a factory job. I’ve been in childcare for 13 years, at one childcare center, but I resigned that position last month (long, ranty post about that coming, no doubt). I’ve never worked a factory job. Heck, I’ve never even been on the production floor of a factory. Today I went for the assessment, for a Toyota plant.

I did not get to build a robot. *sulk*
  no robots

I did, however, do a lot of repetitive tasks, bunches of lifting, and some kickbutt drilling. Would have been better if I was getting paid for the four hours I was there, but alas, they waved their cutlasses about and I was without my Jack Sparrow hat, so I agreed to a non-paid assessment/testing.

 Image Johnny Depp. Dreamy sigh.

What? Where was I? Oh, right.

After the hour’s drive home, I promptly and enthusiastically…  sat my butt down on the couch and fell asleep for about 30 minutes. My hubby & our roommate (my brother’s lovely girlfriend is staying with us) came home half an hour after I dozed off, and I whined about hunger, as I hadn’t eaten since 6:30 a.m. Legit whining, it was 1 pm! Hubby offered to fix me food. I growled out something incoherent, and it was decided that wifey (me!) and roomie should go out for Chinese food. Yum.

I’ve spent the last hour learning a dance (“Break The Chains”) for the 1 Billion Rising movement, which will be taking place on Lovey-Gooey Day. That’s Valentine’s Day in street terms. Image

So. Worked my booty off today, then came home & danced for an hour. Yay exercise. *collapse*
I should be making jewelry that I’ve sold & need to ship out tomorrow. If I had gotten to build that robot at the factory, it could be doing it for me!  D:<

It’s time to make the young’uns do homework. I could use a whole army of robots for that.
I’ll leave you with this:

[Amy Pond, you groovy, snarky companion. (<3 Doctor Who)].

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