Friday, February 8, 2013

Title, Optional

So I’m sitting here one day, and I’m reading these awesome blogs by these awesome people, and that little voice in my head starts sulking.

“I want a blog,” it says to me.
No. You don’t need a blog.
“But I want one.”
You have online journals, offline journals, an online Etsy shop, several photography accounts that you’ve done rubbish with. You don’t need a blog.
“I want a blog!”

So it’s a spoiled inner voice – I caved (of course), and here I am: Transversing (or maybe transgressing! We’ll see!) the world of blogging.

So who am I, other than another random chick on the ‘net with a spoiled inner voice? I’m Angi. Nice to meet ya. ^_^

I’m a mom of two beautiful, brilliant children. The wife of an awesome (& rather tolerant) man. A total fangirl/geek. A would-be cosplayer (if only I didn't suck with a sewing machine). A childcare professional. Would-be photographer. Writer, when time permits. Someone creates geek & alternative jewelry.

I’m a lot of things. Am I blogger? I guess we’ll find out.

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