Monday, February 25, 2013

The Rise & Take Over of Artificial Intelligence (aka Computers = Insanity)

So, I haven’t written in a bit. In my defense, I’ve been very busy doing a lot of nothing. ahem.
I’m really not sure where my days are going. I haven’t been nearly as productive as I want to be during this ‘off work’ time.  I’ve spent half of today trying to fix my son’s computer (again). i’m uber close to lobbing it out the window in a fit of rageousness.

He said he had a ‘bad day’ at school, because he had a headache and he’s tired. His crankiness level certainly isn’t helped by the fact that he can’t get on Minecraft, because Internet Explorer keeps shutting down. (My kids might be a bit addicted to Minecraft).

So my and I thought it would be groovy to give Insanity a shot. You know, that crazy workout program? So we sat down & watched it (while eating popcorn & drinking soda. Ha!). Then we thought ‘hey let’s try that!’  Yeaaaa.

There’s a reason it’s called “Insanity”.
You have to be insane to do it.

We didn’t even make it through the fitness test at the beginning. Lungs fell out of chest halfway through, pretty sure I kicked mine across the room while attempting a powerkick that would make Bruce Lee cringe. Workout program, my non-Insanity’d butt. More like torture program.

You have these three overly cheerful people (who are obviously robots, in reality) and they’re all “Oh yay, let’s do this!”

So you start doing these outrageously exhausting kicks & jumps (“Faster!” the robots chant as you’re gasping for oxygen & trying to find where you kicked your lung, “C’mon! Faster!”). We had to give it up halfway through it – it’s definitely not the workout program to do if you have a jacked up back. & these human-robots want you to do this everyday? Sure, when you hook a caffeine drip straight to my heart and get me an oxygen tank.

I could barely freaking move the next day (& the day after that). I think my spine melted into goo. Painful, aching goo.

Of course, my husband throws his two cents in (& he’s right, of course): “It’s called IN-SAN-I-TY! Why did you think they gave it that name?” Shut up, darling, before I send the exercising robots after you, and then switch your coffee to decaf. (Insert grumbling – achy, painful grumbling – here).
That was four days ago. I’m almost able to walk without cringing now.

I’m secretary of the PTO at my kids’ school, right? Right. I’ll be the first to say that I’m the worst PTO secretary ever. I’ve been to a couple of the school-related things to help out (bookfair, photo day, that kind of thing) but I haven’t actually made it to any of the PTO meetings. Head, meet desk. When I first joined, hubby’s car was jacked up, so we were sharing mine. He drove mine to work on the nights of the meetings. When he got it fixed — well, I still didn’t go to the meetings. PTO Secretary Fail.

Anyway, book fair’s this week at school. I volunteered to help out a few days. Do your kids have these book fairs? The book pricing at these things is ridiculous! I think my textbooks for my college classes were cheaper than the six books my kids bought between them at the last one.

It’s like:
“Mom, book fair is this week!” Great, I’ll go take out a loan so you can get a book you’ll glance at once and toss on the bookshelf, to never touch again. “Awesome, thanks mom!”

I love books myself. I think I’ll marry them.

I think I’ve made up for not writing the past week. I should go be productive now, but I’ll probably make more jewelry (which is productive, as it’s for my business) and watch Supernatural or Doctor Who.

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