Monday, January 13, 2014

To The Ginger Goes The Doll

Prompt from, because my brain hurts: “A new employee in a toy store finds an old supernatural Barbie doll.”

[I'm going with "Supernatural" doll ^_^]

“Oh my gosh!” Kayla was running up the aisle, a rectangular box in her hands. She slid to a stop, her Converse squeaking on the floor. “Look what I found! Look what I found!”

Angi and Rachael exchanged a glance. “What did you find?” Rachael asked, peering at the box the other girl held. With a flourish, Kayla turned the box to face them.

“A Dean Winchester doll!”

Kayla turned to her left as her fiancée and fellow employee joined the group. “No way,” he shook his head, eyes on the doll, “What will you do with that thing? You don’t need that. Put it back.”

Kayla glared (and an impressive glare it was, for Kayla was a ginger). Angi and Rachael stepped back to avoid the crossfire.

Turning the full strength of her mighty glare upon her fiancée, she stomped one Converse-clad foot and declared, “I needs it!”

It was a happy new toy-store employee who went home with the Dean Winchester doll that night.

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